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vitargo pure

Whether you’re an endurance athlete seeking enhanced energy or a bodybuilder aiming to rapidly replenish glycogen stores for optimal protein synthesis and muscle gains, Vitargo Pure is tailored to your needs. Trusted by numerous elite athletes, including powerlifters, competitive bodybuilders, and Olympic medalists, Vitargo Pure provides pure Vitargo Carbohydrates with no additives and virtually no sugars, fats, or proteins.

vitargo side effects

When used as directed, Vitargo is generally well-tolerated, with minimal reported side effects. Adhering to recommended dosages and incorporating it into a balanced diet and fitness routine is key to experiencing the benefits of Vitargo without adverse effects.

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Vitargo Carboloader 2kg – Vitargo 

Vitargo? is the unique patented and formulated carbohydrate for elite athletes especially, that provide the necessary load with muscular energy (glycogen).Thanks to its size, it passes faster by the stomach, getting to the blood after the intestinal transit. This process is called osmolality and the greater osmolality the faster stomach has been proven clinically in the Karolinska Institute of Stockholm and compared with other ?ordinary? energy drinks . In all the tests with Vitargo, the recharge of glycogen deposits and the stomach transit were faster than any other glucose polymer combination.

vitargo carboloader

WHAT IS VITARGO? Vitargo is a patented carbohydrate, created for elite athletes, that contributes an effective load of muscular energy (glycogen) readily accessible for the muscle. Vitargo has been proven clinically (references 1 and 2) and compared with other supplements and sport carbohydrate drinks. The results demonstrated that it filled faster the glycogen deposits and its permanence in the stomach was also shorter.
Compared with other glucose polymer combinations, the results with Vitargo demonstrated the following:

Charge of glycogen levelsVitargo 70% faster
Passage through the stomachVitargo 80% faster

In summary, this means:

u Vitargo remains a short time in the stomach and, by the same, it does not produce discomfort during the physical activity.
u Vitargo does not absorb water (fluids) from the corporal reserves. Rather it increases the contribution of fluid to the sanguineous flow working as a pump during the exercise. u

u Carbohydrate storage with Vitargo assures good levels of glycogen without altering the habitual diet nor affecting our performing.
u Vitargo also contributes to effectively fill up the glycogen levels immediately after the training or the competition. In this way we retain s positive energy balance that moves away the overtraining symptoms and it protects us from possible infections.

Why Vitargo Weight Gainer

There is an enormous variety of supplements of carbohydrates, energy drinks, etc. It very difficult for the consumer at the time of choosing the appropriate product. It is easy to lose itself in the terminological labyrinth with words like osmolarity, polymers of glucose, maltodextrine, dextrose, etc.

This is why we are going to clarify to the concept of energy drinks, and thus we will see why Vitargo is the best alternative in the market of the carbohydrate supplements!

What is Vitargo used for?

The supplements and energy drinks with carbohydrates consist of degradable starches. In the label we will find ingredients listed like maltodextrine, glucose syrup and dextrose (glucose). These combinations are called, also, hidrolized starches, complex and polymeric carbohydrates of glucose.

Besides these ingredients, the majority of these products contains common sugar.

The starch comes, generally, of the maize, the wheat or the potato. The starch is a giant molecule constructed by long chains of which the glucose is the smaller part. This means that once the starch is totally degraded, we remained with a glucose solution (call dextrose in its granulated form). The Maltodextrine and syrup of statch are derived from the easy degradable starch. The degradation level comes dice by the molecular weight. In order to include/understand what this means we have listed the most common carbohydrate sources with its molecular weight so that they serve to us as guide:


Starch< 250 000 000
Vitargo500 000 – 700 000
Maltodextrine1 000 – 10 000
Starch syrup250 – 1 000

it has a molecular weight 100 times greater than the one of other carbohydrates commonly used in supplements and drinks.

Vitargo does not contain simple carbohydrates nor monosaccharides.

REFERENCES: 1. K. Piehl Aulin, K. Soderlund, e. Hultman. Muscle rate in humans glycogen resynthesis to after supplementation of drinks containing carbohydrates with low and high molecular masses (Vitargo). Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 81:346 – 351, 20002. K. Piehl-Aulin, K. Soderlund ET to. Improved gastric emptying rate in humans of to unique glucose to polymer (Vitargo). Scand. J. Gastroenterol 2000; 35:1143 – 1149

Table 1


Table 2

CarbohydratesMolecular weight
Starch< 250 000 000
Vitargo500 000 – 700 000
Maltodextrine1 000 – 10 000
Starch syrup250 – 1 000

Supplement Facts:

 100 g75 g
Power value (kJ/kcal)1550/3701160/280
Proteins (g)<0,5<0,5
Carbohydrates (g)9269
Cant. Starches (g)9068
Cant. Simple carbohydrates (g)<0,5<0,5
Fats (g)<0,5<0,5

Ingredients: starch (Vitargo) Made by: SWECARB AB, Skeppsbron 11, 392 31 Kalmar

What kind of carb is Vitargo?


Many athletes suffer disagreeable stomach upheavals during a competition. What is the cause of this?

We know that not only it is necessary to contribute water to the body during a long session of training, but also the use of supplements in the form of carbohydrates. The choice of these carbohydrates is essential if we wished to secure the best results and avoiding stomach problems. If we chose an easy degradable carbohydrate, of short molecular structure like, for example, the glucose syrup, we increased the risk of stomach problems. However, choosing a carbohydrate chemically similar to the starch of long molecular structure like, for example, the one of Vitargo?, we will have made the right option.

Explained of a simpler way, the greater rate of degradation of a starch, the more osmolarity in water. The Osmolarity affects to the stomach in such a way that a high rate of osmolarity restrains the passage through stomach. In addition, the water is retained in the stomach due to the permanence brought about by the osmotic effect.

The solutions of low osmolarity are called hypotonics. While more hypotonic is a solution, the transit through the stomach towards the intestine will be faster, where the consumption of energy takes place. The low osmolarity can benefit from another way, pumping the load towards the sanguineous flow

Vitrago best Carbs supplements in Jordan

Vitargo owns the lowest osmolarity of all the extreme-hipotonicas solutions of the market.

Vitargo diminishes the risk of stomach problems without stopping being the best option for the contribution of immediate energy!

Results of Osmolarity

Sport drinksSolution to 5%Solution to 10%Solution to 15%
Original Maxim48100165
Isostar Long Energy89181306

Results of Osmolarity in prepared drinks following the instructions of concentration:

Sport drinksSolution
to 10%
Prepared according to the instructions
MAXIM electrolyte301205y

* 70g dust diluted in 700ml water
xs 75g dust diluted in 500ml water
and 60g dust dilu?dos in 750ml water

The results of the Osmolaridad appear in mOsm/kg
These results come from the combination of distilled water products. It was realised this way because the hardness of the water of the faucet varies by regions and can affect to the values of osmolarity between 5-15 units. A carbohydrate concentration of the 5-8% is recommended during the training. It remembers that Vitargo owns a osmolarity 15% minor than the one of Original Maxim, that is of 5%.

Studies of Load/Recharge (references 1 and 2) reveals that Vitargo loads and recharges carbohydrates more indeed than other carbohydrate drinks. The explanation of the superiority of Vitargo differs according to the investigators. All the diagnoses affirm that Vitargo is the fastest and most effective way to recover the energy balance of the organism. The first who noticed the difference between Vitargo and other supplements with carbohydrates were the athletes of sports of resistance like triatl?n, marathon, cycling and ski. They discovered that they held more and they recovered before, at the same time as the symptoms of overtraining and sensitivity to the diseases fell.

In other words, after proving the range of product of Vitargo all the others will seem little. At the present time, in the elite sports, the triumph is everything and, with Vitargo you have the key of the success.

Instructions of Use 1 portion (75g) = 1.5 dl dust. Beat with water.
In order to load: 1 portion in 6 dl of water Long Training: Begin to load 3 days before the competition. Drink 2 servings of Vitargo between meals throughout the day. Maintain the same diet. It is not necessary to eat more! Team Sports: Drink 1 portion of Vitargo the day before the game. 1 portion is equivalent to 3 portions of cooked grazes ! Like drink during the training: 1 serving mixed with 8-10 ml of water Long training: 1 serving mixed with 8-10 dl of water during one hour of activity For Recovery: 1 serving mixed with 6 dl of water or milk immediately in POST-WORKOUT. Preparation:

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