Mega Amino

12.00Jd 22.00Jd

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The quick amino acid supplementation right after the training helps to avoid muscle catabolism. In the growing phase the quick amino acid supply is critical after the training. The presence of amino acids in the blood flow makes it possible that the body can utilize this for muscle protein synthesis.

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Biotech Mega Amino Acid

The quick amino acid supplementation right after the training helps to avoid muscle catabolism. In the growing phase the quick amino acid supply is critical after the training. The presence of amino acids in the blood flow makes it possible that the body can utilize this for muscle protein synthesis.

Biotech Mega Amino in Jordan

Biotech Mega Amino Recommendation: We recommend using this product right after the training to avoid muscle catabolism for beginner body builders. 

Suggested use:
Take the following recommended dosage according to bodyweight two times a day.
Up to 50 kg – 2 tablets
50 kg to 100 kg – 3 tablets
over 100 kg – 4 tablets

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Biotech Mega Amino
Mega Amino
12.00Jd 22.00Jd Select options